These are a variety of Christian websites that contain a range of information about Islam and the defense of Christianity, most of which are non-denominational.
- Answering Islam - "Provides an in-depth historical and Biblical response to doctrines of Islam and counters claims of Islamistst. Includes an encyclopedia of Islam."
- Answering Muslims - "On this website, we engage Muslims and the foundations of Islam without trying to be 'PC'. We feel honesty is better than disguised language. As you can read on our FAQ, this is out of love, not out of hatred."
- Apostates of Islam - "We are apostates of Islam."
- Catholic Answers - "A major Apologetics site. Includes a large number of pamphlet style questions and answers about the Faith. Includes a forum, videos, encyclopedia and more."
- Catechism of the Catholic Church - Sums up the teachings of the Catholic Church with Biblical references.
- Creed 2:6 Ministries - "The ministry of Nabeel Qureshi which proclaims and defends the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all, especially Muslims."
- Confident Christianity - "An apologetics and discernment ministry that seeks to equip believers with answers to the difficult questions of the faith."
- Calling Muslims
- Faith Freedom International - "Ex-Muslims reveal the truth about Islam, explain Islamic Supremacy and warn about the Islamic threat and suppression."
- Father Zakaria Botros - A Copt priest from Egypt that has a lot to say about Islam. He has an Arabic and English site with videos, audio and books.
- Jews for Jesus - "Features publications, media, and resources that give evidence to Y'shua (Jesus) being the Jewish Messiah."
- Jihad Watch - "We blog about jihad theology and ideology, correcting popular misconceptions about Islam."
- Memri TV - Translates Arabic news and videos into English from around the Arab world.
- Ministry to Muslims - Outreach ministry to Muslims.
- More Than Dreams
- Muslim Hope - "Provides info on Muslim sources, topics and comparison with the Bible's teaching. Answers questions people have about Islam."
- Muslim Journey of Hope
- The Christian-Muslim Debate
- The Religion of Peace - "The website is a pluralistic, non-partisan site concerned with Islam's true political and religious teachings according to its own texts."
These are a variety of Islamic websites that contain a range of information about Christianity and the defense of Islam.
- The Deen Show - "The Deen Show is a show about Islam and Muslims directed to all people."
- Answering Christianity
- Aidid Safar
- Anjem Choudary - "Upholding the Islamic Viewpoint"
- Call to Monotheissm - "It is about Islamic apologetics and refuting Christianity and deviant Muslim sects. It is also about learning Islam."
- Defending Islam
- Hittin Institute - "Liberating hearts, challenging minds."
- Islam Policy
- Islamic Awareness - "The primary purpose of Islamic-Awareness website is to educate Muslims about the questions and issues frequently raised by the Christian Missionaries and Orientalists."
- Muslim Responses - "Muslim Responses is a site that is dedicated to refuting the many lies and distortions that have been thrown against the true and noble faith of Islam."